SKIMA - Subject knowledge in Mathematics






A number of publications and conference presentations by members of the SKIMA project team on prospective primary teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge are listed below. Some of the files require Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Tim Rowland, Caroline Heal, Patti Barber and Sarah Martyn ‘Mind the gaps: primary trainees’ mathematics subject knowledge’. In E. Bills (Ed.) Proceedings of the BSRLM Day Conference at Birmingham. Coventry: University of Warwick, pp. 91-96. (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Primary Trainees Mathematics Subject Knowledge: an update report’ In E. Bills (Ed.) Proceedings of the BSRLM Day Conference at The Open University. Coventry: University of Warwick, pp. 73-76. (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Discovering the ABC of Number’. Research Focus, Times Educational Supplement p. 25, 12.3.99.(view article)

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Primary teacher trainees’ mathematics subject knowledge and classroom performance’ In T. Rowland and C. Morgan (Eds) Research in Mathematics Education Volume 2: Papers of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. London: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, pp. 3-18 (view abstract)

Tim Rowland ‘The sum of a good maths teacher’. Research Focus, Times Educational Supplement p. 26, 02.02.2001. (view paper)

Maria Goulding and Jennifer Suggate ‘Opening a can of worms: investigating primary teachers’ subject knowledge in mathematics.’ Mathematics Education Review 13, pp. 41-54. (view abstract)

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Investigating the mathematics subject matter knowledge of pre-service elementary school teachers’. In M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 4 pp. 121-128. Utrecht, The Netherlands, Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University. (view abstract)

Tim Rowland ‘Safety in numbers? Number crunching and making sense’. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 21(3). (view abstract)

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘The mathematics subject knowledge of pre-service elementary school teachers’. In D. Edge and B. H. Yeap (Eds.) Mathematics Education in a Knowledge-Based Era: Proceedings of the Second East Asian Regional Conference on Mathematics Education and Ninth Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematics Education Volume 2, pp. 274-280. Singapore: Association of Mathematics Educators/Nanyang Technological University. (view abstract)

Maria Goulding, Tim Rowland and Patti Barber ‚'Does it matter? Primary Teacher trainees' subject knowledge in mathematics.’ British Educational Research Journal 28(5) pp. 689-704. (view abstract)

Peter Huckstep, Tim Rowland and Anne Thwaites 'Observing subject knowledge in primary mathematics teaching'. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 23(1) pp. 37-42 (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Anne Thwaites and Peter Huckstep 'The choice of examples in the teaching of mathematics: what do we tell the trainees?'. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 23(2) pp. 85-90. (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Anne Thwaites and Peter Huckstep 'Novices' choice of examples in the teaching of elementary mathematics'. In A. Rogerson (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on the Decidable and the Undecidable in Mathematics Education. (pp. 242-245). Brno, Czech Republic, September 2003. (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Patti Barber, Caroline Heal and Sarah Martyn 'Prospective primary teachers' mathematics subject knowledge: substance and consequence'. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 23(3) pp. 91-96 (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Peter Huckstep and Anne Thwaites 'The knowledge quartet'. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 23(3) pp. 97-102. (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Peter Huckstep and Anne Thwaites 'Reflecting on prospective elementary teachers' mathematics content knowledge: the case of Laura'. In M. J. Høines and A. B. Fugelstad, (Eds.) Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 4, pp. 121-128. Bergen, Norway: Bergen University College, July 2004 (view paper)

Tim Rowland 'Mathematics Teaching: celebrating 'the knowledge'. Mathematics in School 33(5) pp. 12-13

Anne Thwaites, Peter Huckstep and Tim Rowland 'The knowledge quartet: Sonia's reflections'. In D. Hewitt and A. Noyes (Eds) Proceedings of the Sixth British Congress of Mathematics Education (pp. 168-175). London: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. (link to BCME6 proceedings)

Tim Rowland, Peter Huckstep and Anne Thwaites 'Elementary teachers' mathematics subject knowledge: the knowledge quartet and the case of Naomi'. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 8(3) pp. 255-281 (view paper)

Rowland, T. (2006) 'Subtraction - difference or comparison?' Mathematics in School 35(2)
pp. 32-35

Rowland, T. and Turner, F. (2006) 'A framework for the observation and review of mathematics teaching'. Mathematics Education Review 18, pp. 3-17

Huckstep, P., Rowland, T. and Thwaites, A. (2006) 'The knowledge quartet: considering Chloe'. In M. Bosch (Ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1568-1578). Barcelona, Spain: FUNDEMI IQS, Universitat Ramon Llull. (Compact Disk)

Rowland, T. and Turner, F. (2007) 'Developing and using the 'knowledge quartet': a framework for the observation of mathematics teaching'. The Mathematics Educator 10(1), pp. 107-124

Rowland, T. (2007) 'Developing knowledge for mathematics teaching: a theoretical loop'. In S. Close, D Corcoran and T. Dooley (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Research in Mathematics Education, pp. 13-26. Dublin: St Patrick's College.

Rowland, T. and Turner, F. (2008) 'How shall we talk about 'subject knowledge' for mathematics teaching?'. Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 28(2) pp. 91-96.

Rowland, T. (2008) Researching teachers' mathematics disciplinary knowledge. In P. Sullivan and T. Wood (Eds.) International handbook of mathematics teacher education:Vol.1. Knowledge and beliefs in mathematics teaching and teaching development (pp. 273-298). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Rowland, T. (2008) The purpose, design and use of examples in the teaching of elementary mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics 69(2) pp. 149-163

Rowland, T., Turner, F., Thwaites, A. and Huckstep, P. (2009) Developing Primary Mathematics Teaching: reflecting on practice with the Knowledge Quartet. London: Sage.

Rowland, T. (2009) Beliefs and actions in university mathematics teaching. In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou and C. Sakonidis (Eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 5, pp. 17-24. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME.

Rowland, T. and Turner, F. (2009) Karen and Chloe: The Knowledge Quartet. In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou and C. Sakonidis (Eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 1, pp. 133-139. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME.

Rowland, T. (2010) Knowledge for teaching: contrasting elementary and secondary mathematics. In V. Durand-Guerrier, S. Soury-Lavergne and F. Arzarello (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp. 1841-1850). Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique.

Wong, Ngai-Ying; Rowland, Tim; Chan,Wing-Sum; Cheung, Ka-Luen & Han, Ngai-Sze (2010) The Mathematical Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers: A Comparative Perspective. Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in Mathematical Education 14(2), pp. 187-207. ISSN : 1226-6191

Rowland, T. (2010). Back to the data: Jason, and Elliot's quarters. In M.M.F. Pinto & T.F. Kawasaki (Eds.). Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4, pp. 97-104. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: PME.

Rowland, T. (2010) Frogs and ski-slopes: contrasting knowledge for elementary and secondary mathematics teaching. In Gagatsis, A., Rowland, T., Panaoura, A. and Stylianides, A. (Eds) Mathematics Education Research at the University of Cyprus and the University of Cambridge (pp. 185-201). Lefkosia: University of Cyprus. ISBN: 978-9963-9520-2-1

Rowland, T. and Ruthven, K. (2011) (Eds) Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching. London and New York: Springer.

Turner, F. & Rowland, T. (2010) The Knowledge Quartet as an organising framework for developing and deepening teachers' mathematics knowledge. In T. Rowland & K. Ruthven (Eds) Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching (pp.195-212). London and New York: Springer.

Conference and Seminar Presentations

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Mind the gaps: primary trainees’ mathematics subject knowledge’ BSRLM Day Conference at Birmingham, June 1998.

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Primary teacher trainees’ mathematics subject knowledge: an update report’ BSRLM Day Conference, Open University, 27th February 1999.

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Primary teacher trainees’ mathematics subject knowledge and classroom performance’. Symposium paper, BERA Conference, University of Sussex. September (view paper)

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘The Mathematics subject knowledge of prospective primary school teachers’. Research Seminar, Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education, University of Leeds. 18th November 1999.

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘Investigating the mathematics subject matter knowledge of pre-service elementary school teachers’. 23rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Utrecht, The Netherlands. July 2001

Tim Rowland ‘Primary School Teachers in Training: Mathematics Subject Knowledge and Classroom Practice’. Cambridge Mathematics Education Colloquium 22 October 2001

Tim Rowland ‘Safety in numbers? Number crunching and making sense’. BSRLM Day Conference, Southampton 17 November 2001

Tim Rowland, Sarah Martyn, Patti Barber and Caroline Heal ‘The mathematics subject knowledge of pre-service elementary school teachers’. Second East Asian Regional Conference on Mathematics Education and Ninth Southeast Asian Conference on Mathematics Education. Singapore, May 2002. (view paper)

Peter Huckstep, Tim Rowland and Anne Thwaites ‘Primary Teachers' Mathematics contect knowledge: what does it look like in the classroom?’ Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Exeter, September 2002. (view paper)

Maria Goulding ‘Primary teacher trainees’ self assessment of their mathematical subject knowledge’ Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Exeter, September 2002. (view paper)

Patti Barber, Caroline Heal and Sarah Martyn ‘Primary teacher trainees' mathematics subject knowledge - progress in developing systems of support?’ Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Exeter, September 2002. (view paper)

Tim Rowland ‘Teaching primary mathematics: where’s the content?’ . BSRLM Day Conference, University of Nottingham, 16 November 2002

Tim Rowland Elementary Teachers’ Mathematics Content Knowledge and Choice Of Examples’. CERME 3: Third Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, March 2003, Bellaria, Italy. (view paper)

Tim Rowland ‘The choice of examples in the teaching of mathematics: what do we tell the trainees?’. BSRLM Day Conference, University of Oxford, 7 June 2003

Tim Rowland ‘Primary teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge’ Institute of Education (primary group). 9 June 2003
‘Novices’ choice of examples in the teaching of elementary mathematics’. International Conference on the Decidable and the Undecidable in Mathematics Education. Brno, Czech Republic, September 2003. (view paper)

Anne Thwaites, Peter Huckstep and Tim Rowland, ‘The knowledge quartet’. BSRLM Day Conference, University of Birmingham, 15 November 2003

Tim Rowland 'Prospective primary teachers' mathematics subject knowledge: substance and consequence'. BSRLM Day Conference, University of Birmingham, 15 November 2003

Tim Rowland ‘The knowledge quartet’. Research Matters Seminar. Anglia Polytechnic University, 9 December 2003.

Anne Thwaites, Peter Huckstep and Tim Rowland‘The mathematics subject matter knowledge of primary school teachers’. CamERA Conference, New Hall, Cambridge, 9 January 2004

Tim Rowland ‘The pursuit of perfect pedagogy’. St Patrick’s College, Dublin. 9 February 2004

Tim Rowland ‘The pursuit of perfect pedagogy’. Athlone Teachers Centre, Westmeath, 10 February 2004

Tim Rowland ‘The knowledge quartet’. School of mathematical sciences, Institute of Education. 15 March 2004

‘Teaching primary mathematics: choice of examples’. Invited plenary, Primary PGCE, Institute of Education, University of London, 21 April 2004

Tim Rowland ‘The knowledge quartet’. Staff Seminar, Manchester Metropolitan University, 23 April 2004

Anne Thwaites, Peter Huckstep, Fay Turner and Tim Rowland‘The knowledge quartet’. Cambridge Mathematics Education Colloquium, 10 May 2004

Tim Rowland 'Reflecting on prospective elementary teachers' mathematics content knowledge: the case of Laura'. 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Bergen, Norway.

Tim Rowland 'Developing elementary mathematics teaching through a focus on teacher knowledge'. BERA Conference, September 2004, UMIST, Manchester. (view paper)

Anne Thwaites and Tim Rowland ‘The knowledge quartet’. (with Anne Thwaites) Suffolk Western Area Headteachers’ Conference. Fornham All Saints, Suffolk. 18 November 2004.

Tim Rowland ‘The Knowledge Quartet: a tool for developing mathematics teaching’ (Considering Chloe). Invited plenary, Fourth Mediterranean Conference on Mathematics Education, Palermo, Sicily. 29 January 2005. (view paper)

Tim Rowland ‘The Knowledge Quartet: considering Chloe’. CERME 4: Fourth Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, February 2005, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spain.

Tim Rowland 'The knowledge quartet: a framework for reflection, discussion and professional development.' Demonstration/presentation given at the Study Conference for the Fifteenth ICMI Study: the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics. May 2005, Águas de Lindóia, Brazil. (view powerpoint presentation)

Anne Thwaites and Tim Rowland 'The knowledge quartet: Sonia's reflections'. Sixth British Congress of Mathematics Education, University of Warwick, May 2005. (link to BCME6 proceedings)

Francis K W Tsang and Tim Rowland 'Investigating the Subject Matter Knowledge of Hong Kong Primary School Mathematics Teachers' ECER Conference, Dublin, September 2005 (view press report) (view paper)

Anne Thwaites and Tim Rowland 'The Knowledge Quartet: a Framework for Developing Mathematics Teachers' Content Knowledge' ECER Conference, Dublin, September 2005 (view paper)

Tim Rowland 'Knowledge Bases for Mathematics Teaching'. Seminar, University of East Anglia, 28th March 2006 (view powerpoint presentation)

‘Prospective primary teachers’ use of mathematics teaching handbooks’. CERME 5: Fifth Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, February 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus.

‘Knowledge Bases for Mathematics Teaching’. Seminar, Agder University College, Kristiansand, Norway, 3rd May 2007.

‘The Mathematical Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers: A Comparative Perspective’. Seminar, Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education, Hong Kong Baptist University. 12 July 2007.

‘Developing knowledge for mathematics teaching: a theoretical loop’. Invited plenary, Second Mathematics in Ireland Conference, Dublin. 14 September 2007.

‘Auditing the mathematics subject matter knowledge of pre-service elementary school teachers’. Paper presented at the third meeting of the Nuffield Seminar Series on Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching. Nuffield Foundation, Bedford Square, London, 27th September 2007

‘Research in Mathematics Education’ [with Elena Nardi] BSRLM Day Conference, Manchester University. 1st March 2008

The Knowledge Quartet: a means of developing and deepening mathematical knowledge in teaching?’ [with Fay Turner]. Paper presented at the fifth meeting of the Nuffield Seminar Series on Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching. Loughborough University, 18th March 2008

Primary teacher education in England. Seminar on Primary School Teacher Training, University of the Aegean, Rhodes. June 11th 2008

‘How shall we talk about ‘subject knowledge’ for mathematics teaching?’ [with Fay Turner]. BSRLM Day Conference, University of Southampton. 21st June 2008

The knowledge quartet: a theory of mathematical knowledge in teaching. Eleventh International Congress in Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico. Topic Study Group 27: Mathematical knowledge for teaching. July 2008

Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Invited plenary presentation. Eleventh International Congress in Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico. Topic Study Group 27: Mathematical knowledge for teaching. July 2008

The Mathematical Knowledge of Elementary School Teachers: A Comparative Perspective [with Ngai Ying Wong] Eleventh International Congress in Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico. Discussion group 14: International comparisons in mathematics education. July 2008

‘Foundation knowledge for teaching: contrasting elementary and secondary mathematics.’ CERME 6: Sixth Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, January 2009, Lyon, France.

What should an undergraduate mathematics lecture look like? Midlands Mathematics Education Seminar, Loughborough University, 11 February.

Teacher knowledge: the undergraduate mathematics lecture. Seminar: King’s College London, 8 June.
Karen and Chloe: The Knowledge Quartet [with Fay Turner]. Research Forum on Mathematics Teacher Knowledge, 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2009.

Beliefs and actions in university mathematics teaching. 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2009.

Mathematical knowledge in teaching. Research seminar. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 11th May 2010

The use of examples in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Graduate student seminar. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 13th May 2010

Mathematics teachers' knowledge in action: a celebration. Holmboe Prize Symposium, University College, Oslo, Norway. 26th May 2010

Knowledge for mathematics teaching: beyond subject matter. Research seminar, University College, Oslo, Norway. 27th May 2010

Mathematical knowledge in teaching: situations, types and prototypes. Mathematics Education SIG, Institute of Education, University of London. 7th June 2010

Back to the data: Jason, and Elliot's quarters. 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. July 2010.

Mathematical knowledge in teaching. Graduate student seminar. University of Cyprus, 13th September 2010

Frogs and ski-slopes: contrasting knowledge for elementary and secondary mathematics teaching. Paper presented at the Symposium on Mathematics Education Research at the University of Cyprus and the University of Cambridge. University of Cyprus, 18th September 2010

Knowing and using the Knowledge Quartet. Research seminar, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico. 3rd November 2010

Analysing mathematics teaching with the Knowledge Quartet. Research seminar, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City, Mexico. 4th November 2010

Knowledge for mathematics teaching: the Knowledge Quartet. Research seminar, Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City, Mexico. 5th November 2010

Analysing secondary mathematics teaching with the Knowledge Quartet. BSRLM Day Conference, University of Newcastle. 13th November 2010.

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